Tuesday, February 05, 2013



I’m hoping everyone has had a great Super Bowl weekend filled with fun, sportsmanship and of course great food. Many of you probably watched the big game at a bar or at a friends house and probably had some really good snacks, am I right? Well here is a way for you to enjoy those nachos at the bar without being at the bar or spending as much money.
This week I prepared a meal that I think everyone would enjoy having during the Super Bowl and also on a weekend hanging out with friends and family. Nachos are a simple snack that can be altered to anyone’s taste buds because of the unlimited vareity of options and toppings you can have. This meal takes minutes to prepare which is also an added bonus if you're In need of a quick snack.
Bon appetite

What you’ll need:

Ingredients: tortilla chips, toppings of your choice, and grated Cheddar cheese
Popular toppings: green peppers, sour cream, guacamole, Pinto beans, chicken, beef,salsa
Utensils: grater, baking tin
Step 1: Place tortillas flat on the baking tin until it covers the sheet

Step 2: spread your desired toppings over the tortillas

Step 3: place cheese all over your desired toppings

Step 4: put your nachos into the oven for approximately 5 - 10 minutes so the cheese can melt and the tortillas can become crispy.

Now go ahead and enjoy this quick and easy snack!

This was personally my favorite meal to eat and prepare during the Super Bowl because I was able to make more during the half time show without missing the game. This meal doesn’t require much attention or cooking ability to make. I also feel if your guests or guest is picky eater it’s easy to make them a separate bowl of nachos with toppings they like. I will definitely be making this meal again sometime soon.

xoxo Thanks for joining me for dinner time

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